Prayer for the President of the US

Prayer for the President of the US

Deliver him from all selfish considerations and fill him with the Spirit of God.

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What is the Christian Message?

What is the Christian Message?

The Christian Message is the message of Jesus Christ. It is the good news!

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Abide in Christ Gospel tract

Abide In Christ

A gospel tract teaching us how to abide in Christ, for He abides in us.

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31 Biblical Virtues to pray for your kids- tract

31 Biblical Virtues to pray for your kids

A tract with 31 virtues to guide you in your prayer time when praying for your children.

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There is Hope tract

There is Hope

Jesus is there when you are feeling...

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Who you are...in Christ! Tract

God's Love Letter To You!

"O LORD, You have searched me and known me." - Psalm 1:39:1 NKJV

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Alphabetical Listing of our Tracts

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An Inspirational Testimonial

Dear Mr. Rideout,

It was a pleasure talking to you today, and hearing about your family and all they’ve done. You’ve done a wonderful job and no doubt God will have rich rewards waiting for you in heaven.

Unfortunately, I was raised by an abusive mother and stepfather who used almost any excuse to beat me. My biological father abandoned the family when I was 4 years old, leaving my mother with 3 young children to support, and with no visible means to do so. My mother was a believer, but sold out her beliefs, for a meal ticket. I was taught how to lie, steal and do other sinful things by my stepfather.

I ran away from home when I was 15 to find my father, which I eventually found. Charges were leveled against me by my mother and stepfather, and I was thrown in jail. As bad as it was, God used it for good. My father got saved at a Pentecostal Church and I went with him the next night and got saved myself. That would be great if it ended there, but I was hauled back to Alameda and placed with my mother and stepfather, and started hanging out with my old sinful friends, and ran away again. I fell away for the next 25 years, and truly paid the price.

I later became a Firefighter with the City of Oakland, but my career was cut short, when I fell off a ladder. God in His mercy had already introduced me to my present wife (going on now 37 years) and through her, gave me a second chance.

After my injury and not knowing what to do, but feeling God put me on this earth for a reason, I happen to read a book by Loren Cunningham, ‘Is That Really You God?’ I knew then what I had to do, and I applied and began volunteering on a Christian Missionary Medical Aid ship (the ‘Pacific Ruby’, with Mercy Ships Pacific), and became an Engineer in a very hot engine room. My experience fit perfectly, as only God could arrange!

Due to the previous injury I sustained, I switched to the Deck Department and started out below the bottom of the rung as a Jr. 3rd Mate. Eventually through experience, study, license upgrades & the accumulating sea time, I became the Captain. I truly believe this is what God had been preparing me for. I never could have done this without a big dose of help from Him, and I give Him all the credit.

The 31 Day tract I mentioned (see attached) that was given to me 33 years ago, has been with me aboard ship over the last 27 years, as I’ve sailed most of the world, on 10 different Missionary Medical Aid ships. It has been a source of encouragement, guidance, and with God speaking through it on many occasions. I’ve used it daily and have shared from it with crew, staff and students. The Missionary ships I’ve sailed on are the Pacific Ruby, Island Mercy, Caribbean Mercy, Pacific Link, Next Wave, Revival, Pacific Hope, Mercy’s Vessel, Amazing Grace, and the YWAM Liberty.

I wish you all the best of God’s blessings,

Capt. Ed